Work Packages List
International Workshop on Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Vapour Phase Epitaxy Growth Physics and Technology (5th - September 2003, 6th - September 2005)
The aim of the workshops is to review current trends in the physics and technology of nanostructures and nanodevices. During the workshops invited talks by the renown specialists in the field will be given. Among the contributed papers the presentations by the young scientists will be especially encouraged. The workshop proceedings will be published as a special issue of Physica Status Solidi.
Workshop on Surface Physics and Thin Film Structures (9th - 2004, 10th - 2005)
The main purpose of the workshops, which will include special tutorial sessions, will be to train students and young researchers from Polish Universities and research institutes in these new fields and to review a current status of research and applications. The workshops have a long tradition but their formula needs to be changed to make them more accessible to young people, giving them opportunity to make a first step in science.
Training of young scientists in electron microscopy characterization of nanostructures
The aim of this package is to train students and young scientists in sophisticated techniques of electron microscopy characterization of semiconductor photonic nanostructures. The trained students will be provided with background theoretical knowledge and access to the state of the art electron microscopes.
Training of young scientists in semiconductor processing for photonic devices.
The package aims at giving access to young scientists to the processing technology of semiconductor photonic nanostructures. The training will include the major processing steps (i.e. thin film deposition, litography, etching) and their integration into basic process sequence of manufacturing devices. The students will be provided access to the state of the art processing equipment and ill be familiarized with clean-room procedures.
Training of young scientists in computer simulation and design of photonic devices.
The aim of this package is to provide students and young scientists with the basics of computer simulation and design of semiconductor lasers and photonic devices. Training will include lectures and seminars on the theory of photonic devices and practical sessions devoted to realization of individual projects. The access to the computers and specialized software will be provided.
Photonic Information Center (PIC)
The Photonic Information Center (PIC) will collect information about the research in photonics in Poland. It will facilitate the interaction of the Institute of Electron Technology, especially the departments belonging to the Center of Excellence CEPHONA with the society of photonic materials and devices via Internet. The activities of the Photonic Information Center will include creating of the Photonic Information Data Base and publishing it on the Web. Another task of PIC will be to enable access to the other scientific databases (INSPEC) and on-line scientific journals available on the Web for scientistc of the Institute of Electron Technology.
International Scientific Advisory Board
The International Advisory Board is composed of prominent scientists and industry representatives active in the field of photonics and nanotechnology from abroad and from Poland. The Advisory Board will advise Center management on directions of activities and will evaluate each year progress in realization of Center activities.
The members of the International Scientific Advisory Board