ITE was awarded many nation-wide prizes for research and commercial achievements. Among others the most important are:
1998 - The Prize of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for the most remarkable PhD thesis (concerning computer-based design of integrated circuits)1955 - The Team Award of the 1st degree for scientific achievements in the field of semiconductor electronics1964 - The National Team Award of the 2nd degree in the field of technological progress for the contribution to the development of structures and for scientific achievements in the semiconductor device field1966 - The Prize of the Technical Sciences Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the project of transistors with their connections produced in the process of double diffusion1967 - The Prize of the Technical Sciences Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the development of the silicon avalanche photodiode1968 - The Prize of the Ministry of Science and Higher Eductaion for the thermistor, manganese-nickel-cobalt measurement elements1969 - The Prize of the President of the Committee of Science and Technology for the contribution to the research, significant for the national economy and scientific and technological progress, in the field of galvanomagnetic devices1970 - The Prize of the President of the Committee of Science and Technology for the development of the method for assessment of uniformity of the materials under study, especially semiconductor devices, by means of a laser emitter and index chart 1971 - 1972 - two Team Awards of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology and three Team Awards of the Ministry of Engineering Industry for the development and implementation of the first polish monolithic integrated circuits 1972 - The National Team Award of the 2nd Degree for the contribution to the development of hallotrons technology and their application in measurement and processing1973 - The Prize of the Ministry of Engineering Industry for the examination of the influence of the substrate on the properties of silicon epitaxial layers and parameters of the planar structures1974- Team Award of the Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Secretary General of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR for the development and implementation of the electron-optical and rentgenographic method of material examination1975 - The Team Award of the 2nd Degree of the Ministry of Engineering Industry for technological progress in the field of semiconductor optoelectronics1976 - two Team Awards of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology and three Team Awards of the Ministry of Engineering Industry for the development of prototypes and the implementation of new types of integrated circuits (TTL), diodes, electroluminescent diodes, photodetectors and termistors1977 - The Prize of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology for the development, preparation and launching the production of 4 types of modern semiconductor optoelectronic devices1977 - The Team Award of the Inspector General for Technological Development of Polish Armed Forces for the development and launching special production of optoelectronic circuits1977 - 1978 - two Team Awards of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology and three Team Awards of the Ministry of Engineering Industry for the development and launching the production of the linear integrated circuits for common user items and VLSI integrated circuits (MOS/LSI) for electronic watches and calculators1979 - 1980 - two Awards of the Planning Committee of the Ministers Council and the Team Award of the Inspector General of the Polish Armed Forces for the development of prototypes and launching the production of microwave semiconductor devices (such as Gunna generator and BXDP46 varactor)1980 - The Team Award of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology for the development of a new technology of Liquid Phase Epitaxy of GaAs:Si and GaInP:N layers and the development of new electroluminescent diode constructions1981 - three Team Awards of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Engineering Industry and two Team Awards of the Planning Committee of the Ministers' Council for the development and launching the production of several integrated circuits, such as bipolar circuits for a microprocessor based system, watch circuits and two engineering calculator circuits1982 - The Team Award of "The Vice Master of Technology" of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT) for the development and launching the production of an eight-bit microprocessor (MCY 7880 N)1982 - 1983 - seven Team Awards of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Engineering Industry, two Team Awards of the Ministry of National Defence and the Team Award of the Atomic Energy Agency for the development and launching the production of several modern technologies (such as ion implantation, NMOS LOCOS technology, etc.) and the development of methods for improving integrated circuits production yield 1984 - The National Team Award of the 2nd Degree in the Field of Technology for the development and launching the production of the integrated circuits (MOS/LSI)1985 - two Team Awards of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Engineering Industry, the Team Award of Ministry of Science and Higher Education and two Team Awards of the Head of the Office for Science and Technology Development and Implementation for the development and launching the production of the semiconductor memory integrated circuits, CMOS circuits, special versions of integrated circuits and integarted circuits and photodiodes for telecommunication 1986 - The Team Award of the Head of the Office for Science and Technology Development and Implementation for the development of methods of increasing and stabilizing the yield in mass production of VLSI integrated circuits (MOS)1987 - The Team Award of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Engineering Industry for devising, installation and launching an appliance for computer-aided design of integrated circuits1988 - The Team Award of the Defence Industry Committee for the contribution to the development of a radiolocation station and for devising an X-band PIN diode1989 - two Team Awards of the Ministry of Industry and nine Team Awards of the Defence Industry Committee for the development of six prototypes of semiconductor optoelectronic devices, two prototypes of thermistors and the implementation of three microelectronic technologies1990 - The Special Team Award of the Ministry of Industry and the Distinction Award at SOFTARG'90 for the system of computer-based management of DIASTEMOS semiconductor integrated circuit production1991 - The Prize granted by the CEMI's board of management for the implementation of five new integrated circuits and modernisation of the technology of UCY74S416 circuit instalment and hermetization1995 - The Award: Master of Technology 1995/1996 of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations for the development and launching the production of silicon avalanche photodiodes with a large active area1997 - The First Prize in the 'Product' category in the competition of Agency of Technics and Technology - "Product of the Polish Future" for silicon photodiodes1998 - Economic Award of the President of Polish Republic for the best invention in the field of a new product or technology (avalanche photodiodes)1998 - The Medal at the INTERTECHNOLOGY'98 International Fair for the silicon avalanche photodiodes1999 - The Medal at the INTERTECHNOLOGY'99 International Fair for the silicon photodetectors2000 - The First Prize and the Distinction Award at the Young Scientists' Competition for (InGaAs/GaAs) RC LED structure and the examination of quantum dots2001 - The "Crystal Brussels" Prize as the best Polish research institute participating in 5-th Framework Programme of European Union (the prize granted on the 21 September 2001)2001 - The Award: 'Master of Technology of Warsaw 2001' with the 1-st degree Award of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations for the Multifunctional System for Photoelectric Investigation2001 - The Medal at the INFOSYSTEM 2001 Fair for the innovative ideas based on the ITE licence, ensuring the security of the electronic data2002 - two nominations to the "Crystal Brusseles" prize, for the participants of the 5th Framework Programme of European Union2004 - The Nomination for the "Crystal Brussels" prize for the institutes participating in the 6th Framework Programme of European Union2005 - The Prize of The Foundation for the Polish Science in the field of technological science2006 - The 2nd prize in the "Industrial Property Protection 2006" competition for the best patent: "The method of specifying the influence of electromagnetic disturbances on the operation of integrated circuits"2006 - The Nomination to the "Crystal Brussels" Prize for the best research institutes participating in the 6th Framework Programme of European Union for Research and Technological Development2007 - The Gold Medal of SEP for the long-term cooperation with SEP and scientific and technological achievements in the area of micro- and nanotechnology.2010 - The Nomination to the "Crystal Brussels" Prize for the best research institutes participating in the Framework Programmes of European Union for Research and Technological Development over the years 1999-20092011 - "Annual Best Quality of 2010" Award given by Biznes Raport in the category: research projects, for a group of five projects under The Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2009-20132011 - The award of distinction for silicon alpha particle detectors in the “Polish Product of the Future” competition organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.2014 - "Euro Symbol 2014" - Innovation2014 - "Instytucja 25-lecia Wolno¶ci RP" - Special Award2015 - The Award of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the outstanding achievements in research for the economic development